DBT Distress Tolerance skill for wellbeing and centering.

I've come across quite a bit of DBT skills that I have shared with clients, as well as have applied personally, and of the bunch, VITALS offers active steps towards stress management, problem solving, acknowledgment of self and strengthening of ego awareness (all bunched into one acronym!).
Check your V.I.T.A.L.S.
Validate: Validate your feelings; avoid applying judgment. Pay attention to statements such as “should”, “dumb”, etc.
Imagine: Imagine yourself engaging and participating actively and with wise mind.
Take small steps: Separate challenge, dilemma, etc. into smaller chunks. Prioritize with a level of importance, easiest to hard or hardest to easy, or steps within your immediate control.
Applaud yourself (along the way): Encourage, highlight growth or movement towards your goal (regardless of timeframe, extent, etc.), motivate with inspirational statements.
Lighten the Load (of negative/intrusive thoughts): Remind yourself of the purpose and value(s) that influence your goal.
Sweeten the Pot: Add something into the mix (during or after) as a motivator or reward with conscious and mindful awareness.
I share this with you for you to share with yourself, because wellness is vital.